Business organization VATROSPREM INNOVATION is a company specialized in providing all kinds of services in the field of fire protection, occupational health and safety.
We offer favorable payment terms, appropriate deadlines and quality service.
Decades-long tradition (since 1949) with the latest applied knowledge have created a list of our customers, which is proof of the high professionalism of our company. The synergy of experience, innovation and applied new technology is what puts us in the top companies in this field. We have now grown into a company that has highly educated professionals in their field for all categories of work from design, construction to maintenance. Special emphasis is placed on educating our customers.
That is why today the company "Vatrosprem innovation" doo is at the top by the number of users in the country.
In accordance with the Law on Fire Protection of the Republic of Serbia, company "Vatrosprem innovation", Belgrade, can offer the following products and services:
Services In The Field Of Fire Protection Services In The Field Of Security And Safety At Work